Monday, December 9, 2019
Julius Caesar An Expository Essay Example For Students
Julius Caesar An Expository Essay Throughout the play, Julius Caesar, opinions over important mattersclash. Brutus and Cassius, both senators of Rome, have two completelydifferent ways of looking at matters. Brutus, an idealist, has a more naveway of looking at things. He tends to see only the good in a person. Cassius, on the other hand, is a realist. He sees what is really there. Cassius is the lead conspirator in the play, showing that he is all forself advance. Brutus is the only one who isnt plotting to kill Caesar forselfish purposes. Brutus has the good of Rome in mind, not himself. Brutusand Cassiuss characters come out vividly in three separate arguments theyhave in the play. The first major argument they have is about killing MarcAntony, a close friend of Julius Caesar. Brutus doesnt and Cassius does. The second major argument the have is after the death of Julius Caesar. Brutus wants Antony to speak at Caesars funeral but Cassius disagrees. Thelast argument they have proves to be fatal to both Brutus and Cassius. Theydispute over battle tactics at Sardis, the Plains of Philippi. Shakespearewas wonderful at showing the high and low points of two different people,Brutus and Cassius. The first major argument that occurs in this play happens when theconspirators are deciding whether or not to kill Marc Antony. Antony is avery close friend of Julius Caesar. One could say he was riding hiscoattails. Cassius sees Antony as a threat to their purpose, and of course,wants him gone because he is only after his own advancement. Cassius alsoknows that if Julius Caesar is killed, Antony will avenge his death by anymeans possible. Antony has Caesars army pretty much in his power, andcould give the combined troops of Brutus and Cassius a run for their money. He knows that Antony is power hungry. In Cassiuss mind, Antony will useany leverage he can get to gain power. He has already ridden the coattailsof Caesar to get to the stage he is presently at, and that he will useCaesars death to overthrow the conspirators and move higher up into power. Since Cassius is a realist, he sees people for what they are, not for whatthey appear to be. He sees Antony as an opportunist and very intelligent. He knows that Antony covers up his intelligence by being a reveler, or aplayboy. Cassius believes Antony should be killed; just to be sure thereare no complications after the murder of Julius Caesar. Brutus completelydisagrees with Cassius. Brutus cant see past the faade Antony puts up. Hethinks that Antony is an unintelligent reveler. Brutus thinks Antony wontdo anything about Caesars death, that he will accept it, as the whole ofRome would, after being explained. Brutus also doesnt want the episode tolook like a bloodbath. He doesnt want to unnecessarily kill anyone. Hewants the death of Julius Caesar to be thought of as a purging ratherthan a murder. After all, Brutus thinks he is saving Rome of a dictator. Hewould kill Antony also if he thought he had any power to rise up againstthe conspirators. Brutus also thinks that if Antony is so attached toCaesar and is so hurt by his loss, that he will commit suicide to be withhim. In my opinion, Brutus is a little too nave. He is blind t o the factthat Antony is hiding being the mask of a playboy. Cassius seems to knowand understand Antony better. He sees right through the faade. In a caseso sensitive as this, I would side with Cassius to be safe. To side withBrutus would be like diving into a pool, not knowing how deep it is. Catcher in the Rye - Holden Caulfield EssayCassius, overall, believes if they wait on the mountain for the enemy tocome to them, they will still be rested, while the foe is worn out from thehike up the mountain. They will still have the land advantage and theknowledge of the area. Reflecting over the argument, I would side withCassius again. Even though having a psychological advantage against theopposition is a great thing to have, a well-rested army is needed just asmuch. If they know the land well, and the forces are healthy, they have amuch better chance of coming out victorious than if they march all the waydown the mountain to fight in an open battlefield. It seems as if Brutuswasnt thinking clearly, or he was stuck on the other, minor advantagesthey would gain going down the mountain. After Cassius finds out aboutBrutuss wifes death, he doesnt want to fight anymore. He doesnt wantto make matters worse for Brutus by quarreling with him further, so he gavein. Pathetic fallacy also had a role in his surrender to Brutus. His camphad an eagle visiting every day for a couple of weeks. This is a good sign. When the eagle didnt come back, and scavengers like crows and hawks tookits place, Cassius believed something was up. Much like an owl in the cityin the daytime, the presence of scavengers in a camp is a bad omen. Cassiusalso mentions that it was his birthday, and he just didnt have a goodfeeling about anything. At the end of the play, both Cassius and Brutuskill themselves. Cassius feels he has betrayed his friend, and Brutusrefuses to be caught by Antonys army. I have actually caught myself thinking about what mightve happenedif Cassius hadnt given into Brutus on one or more of the disagreements. How would things have changed if just one time he hadnt given in? Wouldthey have had to go through the entire ordeal with the crowds if they wouldhave knocked off Antony at their first disagreement? If they let Antonylive, but not speak at the funeral, would they have had to flee the cityafter their second quarrel? If they waited on the mountain for the opposingforces to come to them, would they have won the war, or at least postponedtheir defeat? It all comes down to an idealist and a realist. 1/07/04
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